Rosa "Sai" Salangsang


Always Watching

Programs Used: Audacity and Photoshop

Before I talk about the art piece, I want to, once again, talk about he character in this art piece. They are called Mr. Sketchyman. They’re genderless creatures that were created from a bad gesture drawing I did back in high school for an art class, back in 2015. I didn’t really work with this character until around a year ago, when I came up with their name and personality. They seem intimidating at first glance. However, they are actually quite childish and rather nosey. They are usually tall, approximately 7 feet. They are more active at night and are often found in suburban areas. They like to wander and follow people around. You can tell if one is nearby by the strong smell of pencil and eraser shavings. It can be tricky to get a picture of them because the photos often come out as glitchy. Don’t worry if one of them decides to follow you. They mean no harm. They’ll eventually get bored and go somewhere else. In my art piece, you could see a group of Mr. Sketchymen gathered on a pathway outside at night. We have these creepy figures standing or sitting around, watching. Yet, there’s something child-like and innocent about them. Their eyes shine with curiosity rather than with malice. This piece is an extension of one of the first glitch artworks that I did for this class, which has Mr. Sketchyman as the subject. The progress for this glitch artwork is similar to my first Mr. Sketchyman artwork, but I relied more on Photoshop to create the eerie atmosphere of the piece.
